Getting The Most From Cybersecurity Conferences

Helen Patton
5 min readJun 3, 2024

Thanks to my job I’ve attended one of the largest cybersecurity conferences in the world, a large regional conference, and industry-specific conference and a vendor conference — all in the last month. Each one exists for a purpose, both intended and unintended by the conference organizers, and each one offers something different for the attendees. I have been pondering this last point (e.g. what IS the point?) as I’ve flown from venue to venue, and what the implication is for conference organizers and conference attendees.

AI-generated image of conference badges

The Official Purpose

Most cybersecurity conferences are created to fulfill a published purpose:

· To Educate: Conferences are a place for attendees to go to learn about the latest things happening in the industry, technical and leadership skills. Cyber technologies, policies, vendor roadmaps, industry best practices, emerging trends….most conferences declare their ability offer one or more of these.

· To Profit: There are lots of non-profit organizations hosting conferences. But there are also some that exist to make a profit based on attendee registrations, vendor sponsorships, and the like. Vendor-specific conferences also exist to drive pipeline for their own sales, generate customer buzz, and customer loyalty.



Helen Patton

Cyber Security, Technology Ethics, and Humanity. What else? I can be found at or on Twitter @CisoHelen or on Mastodon